My Dreams Are Blue

Completed April 2014

Dreams possess an ethereal quality; the harder I strive to recollect them, the more swiftly they elude my grasp. Ultimately, I might retain vague shapes or a recurring theme, yet the experience feels akin to reaching through water into a realm of distorted fragments of significance and whimsy. Despite this, I persist.

The paintings within my series 'My Dreams Are Blue' are inherently intertwined with the passage of time and the act of creation itself. Through deep acrylic pours, I harness gravity by painting into the pours knowing meticulous placement will warp around earlier painted topography. Serendipitous cracking textures emerge through calculated chance, where thicker layers yield larger crevices, while thinner applications produce finer ones. The foundational layer is imbued with viscous, thread-like paint that meanders deliberately.

The pervasive blue motif draws parallels to water and the solace I find in its buoyancy—those fleeting, painless moments where gravity appears suspended. Each artwork metamorphoses organically as I engage in a cycle of refinement, the titles hinting at the distinct themes that surface. The drying period for each stratum of paint spans from 24 to over 48 hours, a patient wait that extends across six months for the entire series to reach completion.

Please note: any purchases will be delivered after they are finished being shown at Link Community Clinic (Sept-Nov 2023), thank you for your patience.

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